Papillomas: causes of occurrence on the body and methods of treatment

Papillomas are benign neoplasms that can occur as a result of the malfunction of blood vessels. These formations can occur anywhere on the body.


Papillomas in the body can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common are presented below.

The reasons why papillomas appear on the body:

  1. The reason for the occurrence of papillomas may be associated with the growth of large blood vessels, which is the main answer to the question "why do papillomas appear on the body?
  2. Papillomas can occur due to various skin injuries. These can be various microtraumas, scratches, wounds, tips.
  3. It is a malnutrition that causes papillomas in the body. The fact is that with poor nutrition, all toxins accumulate in the digestive tract and liver, from where everything is transported through the blood and displayed on the skin.
  4. The appearance of papillomas can be associated with vitamin deficiency. Particular attention should be paid to ascorbic acid and potassium.
  5. They can occur due to various lipid metabolism disorders.
  6. Exposure to the sun for too long is the answer to the question "why do papillomas appear in the body? "This also applies to frequent visits to the solarium.
  7. This problem is usually caused by hormonal disorders.
  8. And most importantly, don't overlook the fact that papillomas can be hereditary.

For these reasons, papillomas may appear on the body. The choice of treatment should be based on the above reasons.


Causes of papillomas on the body

If papillomas appear on the body, treatment with modern technologies and alternative treatment methods can help you get rid of this problem forever.

Here's how to get rid of papillomas on the body.


The essence of this procedure is the effect of cold air on the neoplasm. Papilloma is treated with liquid nitrogen. This substance is unique for use in this field. When a papilloma is exposed to very low temperatures, its cells cannot withstand such a sharp drop after the familiar environment and begin to die. However, this procedure also has contraindications.

These include:

  • high chance of tumor degeneration from benign to malignant
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body,
  • presence of acute infectious diseases,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • personal intolerance to liquid nitrogen for humans.

The cryodestruction of papillomas has numerous advantages. Most importantly, this procedure can be used not only by adults, but also by children. Also, the pluses include the fact that anesthesia is not administered during the procedure. This may be the only way out for people with individual intolerance to painkillers.

However, in addition to the positive qualities of the procedure, there are also downsides. These include:

  • is ​​used on the hairy areas of the body, the hair follicle is damaged, resulting in a bald spot,
  • this procedure will not be used with a large area of ​​papillomas as it will be ineffective
  • The location of "old" papillomas will be noticeable because of the pigmentation there.

Laser Removal

laser removal of papillomas in the body

It is a very common technique to remove papillomas from the human body using laser.

This procedure is completely safe if done in a normal clinic in good conditions.

In most cases, the success of the procedure depends not on the equipment used for the procedure, but on the physician's professional characteristics.

The specialist should only adjust the desired length of the rays in order to affect the papilloma and not injure the rest of the skin. The essence of the procedure is that the effect of high temperature kills the "bad" papilloma cells.

This procedure also has negative consequences. These include:

  • If the papilloma is large, there are still scars after it,
  • inadequate wound care may cause re-inflammation
  • At first, wounds at the site of papillomas may ooze.

The side effects of this procedure are mainly due to the use of local anesthesia. After the removal of papillomas, there may be dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue.

This procedure should not be performed:

  • pregnant women,
  • cancer patients,
  • People under 18 and over 50.

Surgical removal of papillomas

This method involves removing papillomas from the operating table. When papillomas are surgically removed, local anesthesia is used. The main disadvantage of this process is that it leaves scars. In this regard, this method is almost never used for papillomas on the face and open areas of the body. However, surgical removal of papillomas has positive aspects.

First, with a high-quality performance of this procedure, all relapses of the disease are excluded, and this cannot be said about other methods of eliminating papillomas.

Second, the surgical removal of papillomas is done at the lowest cost of such procedures.

Third, the effectiveness of the procedure. With the surgical method, large moles can be removed at once and for everyone.


This procedure will show you how to get rid of papillomas using electric current. Thus, the tissues are electrically cut and covered with a dry shell. After a certain time, this scab leaves the skin and the papilloma disappears.

Only one session is sufficient to remove papillomas using electrocautery.

If we talk about how to treat papillomas on the body, you can use not only new medical technologies, but also traditional methods of treatment.

Traditional methods


Many people use regular potatoes to fight papillomas. To prepare the product you need:

  1. Peel and peel the potatoes.
  2. Love it.
  3. Squeeze the potato juice from the mixture.

This juice should be taken in a glass 2 times a day before meals. The treatment period takes about 2 months. However, this method also has contraindications. These include:

  • diabetes mellitus,
  • reduced the acidity of gastric juice.


How to get rid of papillomas with celandine

The fresh plant should be cut into small pieces, squeezed out of its juice and evaporated to a dense mixture. The resulting ointment should be lubricated daily with papillomas (3 times a day).

The general course of celandine treatment takes about 2 weeks. This herb has a positive effect on papillomas due to its cauterizing properties.


If papillomas appeared on the body relatively recently and they are not very large, you can use this tool. To prepare the tincture, you need bright yellow-headed dandelions.

  1. You should get the dandelion heads.
  2. Fill them with real triple cologne.
  3. Let this mixture steep for about 2 weeks (with the lid closed).
  4. Pour the mixture from the jar into another container.
  5. Store the tincture at room temperature in a dark place.

The resulting product should be applied to papillomas 5 times a day. The course of treatment is determined strictly individually, depending on the size of the papillomas.


To prevent the occurrence of papillomas, you must follow some rules. These include:

  • you need to drink enough water,
  • monitor the state of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas
  • increase your fruit and vegetable intake,
  • reduce your intake of dairy products,
  • add avocados to your diet
  • get enough vitamin C
  • Avoid exposure to the
  • sun for too frequent and long periods of time.